Serving Opportunities
Serve Jesus on our Session
Serve Jesus on our Board of Deacons
Our Board of Deacons are always looking for people to help them provide something to eat during the de fellowship time following worship. The Board of Deacons is the caring heart of our church. They give flowers to our shut-ins at Christmas and Easter. Their biggest work at this time is the maintenance of an assistance fund to help those in our community who are having difficulties paying rent, medicines, and medical costs or utilities. They organize fundraisers to support this ministry and receive funds designated for this work every Sunday. The Deacons prepare the communion elements for our worship services that celebrate the Lord's Supper. Members of this board are elected to this position by a congregational vote.
Serve Jesus with our Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of our church maintain the building and grounds of our church property. They are also in charge of the financial business of our congregation. They contract the lawn mowing and snow plowing work. Our Trustees do a significant amount of the maintenance of the building themselves. Members of this board are elected by a congregational vote.
Serve Jesus with the Christian Education Committee
The Christian Education committee is always looking for a few more good Sunday School teachers. Our classes are team taught, and the teachers receive encouragement from our Superintendent Eileen Seick. In addition to the Sunday School there is always need for the extensive staff at our annual week long Vacation Bible School. The Education Committee sponsors our annual BETHLEHEM FAMILY project. During the Christmas season the congregation is asked to help families in need with their Christmas gifts. In recent years we have helped over 60 families at Christmas time with gifts, food and household necessities.
Members of the Education Committee plan the special events associated with our children, organize the annual Senior High Mission Work Camp, and sponsor the congregation's annual Thanksgiving dinner.
Serve Jesus with the Mission Quilters
One of the happiest groups that gather to serve is the Mission Quilters. They meet Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. through the school year. The quilts they make go to various people: victims of tornados, children in needs, friends in nursing homes, and friends in the church. They often sell their quilts to maintain a fund for all the good work they do. If you can use a pair of scissors or tie a knot, you can be a Mission Quilter.
Serve Jesus at the Annual Harvard Milk Day Brat Stand
Our church raises funds to be used for extra mission or church projects over and above our general congregational mission pledges. These funds help pay for advertising, special concerts as ANAVOX and "Forgiven Quartet", production of our church pamphlets, food donations to Githiga Children's Home and the development and yearly website expenses.