Christian Education

Sunday School

Sunday School classes are offered for Pre-school (3 years) through High School every Sunday morning during the 10 AM service.  Children attend church with their parents for the first fifteen minutes and then attend their individual classes.  Classes are taught using the Bible as our truth and adding interesting activities, crafts, music, and mission emphasis.  We encourage you to check out our Christian Education program.  Sunday school classes meet all year.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is held during the summer, usually in June.  Children from 3 years through 6th grade meet from 9:00-12:00 each morning for Worship, Bible lessons, crafts, music, games, and snacks.  The children learn about a mission project each year and then bring offerings and sometimes other items to be given to that project.  This program is free and open to the community children

Junior High Youth Group

Our Junior High groups is equally involved.  Fellowship and fun is what it's all about.  With all of the peer pressures facing our youth today, there is little available time and place to share their Christian faith together.  Our Youth Group is for 6-8th graders and meet at designated times as planned.  It is our goal to hold one mission project each month to enable the youth to share their Christian talents with others.

Some activities have been: biking, rock climbing, lock-ins, laser tag, roller skating, movies, swimming party, volleyball, bake sales, sledding, and much more.

Some of the mission project have been: leaf raking, Easter Sunrise Breakfast, and food drive collection.  We usually end our year with a special activity using funds the youth have raise themselves during the year.

Senior High Youth Group

Some of the "fun stuff" included: Lock-ins, movies, roller skating, a trip to the corn maze, the fright feast, rock climbing, swim parties, volleyball, Christian rock concerts, laser tag, retreats, and hosting another youth group at our church.This group's mission activities included: visiting the nursing home, Christmas caroling for shut-ins, making and selling apple pies, "Souper Bowl" Sunday, helping people move/fix up house, supporting our your group friends in their activities, and bible studies.  They have also done mission trips to Kentucky, Michigan, and Iowa.